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Yoshida Lab. exhibited at the Microwave Exhibition 2023 in Yokohama JAPAN

Yoshida Laboratory of Ryukoku University exhibited at the Microwave Exhibition 2023 for the first time. We introduced our laboratory with two posters and demonstrated microwave power transmission using a Wi-Fi router.
MWE University Exhibition 2023

龍谷大学 先端理工学部

工学専攻 電気電子工学プログラム


〒890-0065 鹿児島市郡元1-21-40

Yoshida Laboratory,

Electrical and Electronics Engineering Program,
Department of Engineering, Graduate School of Science and Engineering,

Kagoshima University,

1-21-40 Korimoto, Kagoshima, 890-0065 Japan

Yoshida Lab
Copyright © Yoshida laboratory. All rights reserved.