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Oral presentation was made at ISAP@Sydney

An oral presentation was made at ISAP (The 2022 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation), which reported the results of experimental evaluation of beamforming area when a 60GHz 4×2 patch array antenna is operated as a digital beamforming antennas. This year’s ISAP was held in Sydney, Australia. This year’s ISAP was held in Sydney, Australia, and was crowded with many on-site participants.

龍谷大学 先端理工学部

工学専攻 電気電子工学プログラム


〒890-0065 鹿児島市郡元1-21-40

Yoshida Laboratory,

Electrical and Electronics Engineering Program,
Department of Engineering, Graduate School of Science and Engineering,

Kagoshima University,

1-21-40 Korimoto, Kagoshima, 890-0065 Japan

Yoshida Lab
Copyright © Yoshida laboratory. All rights reserved.